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What Is Alcohol Use Disorder? Your Guide To Alcohol Addiction In Freehold

September 24, 2024

What Is Alcohol Use Disorder? Your Guide To Alcohol Addiction In Freehold

Many people enjoy alcoholic drinks every once in a while. But alcohol can become addictive. If you consume alcohol to get through life or find you’re not able to control your drinking, you may have an alcohol use disorder (AUD). This disorder can swifty dominate your life and negatively influence all the activities you once enjoyed. 
But there is hope. If you feel you or a person you care about have alcohol use disorder near Freehold, support and lasting recovery are within reach. Find out more about AUD and the steps to take if you need guidance right now. 

What Is Alcohol Use Disorder?

Alcohol use disorder is an illness where you feel the urge to use alcohol in spite of the negative consequences of overconsumption. Your brain calls for alcohol’s mind-altering effects and fails to function adequately without them. AUD can be severe, moderate, or mild. At its most extreme, you are at risk of an overdose with lethal repercussions. 
As a result of AUD, you might cultivate an alcohol addiction and experience unpleasant withdrawal symptoms if you cease drinking. Without expert help, you aren’t able to prevent yourself from consuming alcohol to ease the unease your body undergoes when you try to detox from alcohol. If you do manage to quit “cold turkey,” you still have to fight the practice of regular drinking. AUD needs skilled treatment to enjoy a full recovery. 

Why Are Individuals Impacted By Alcohol Use Disorder? 

Lots of residents of Freehold drink, but not everyone develops an alcohol use disorder. A variety of factors influence your odds of being impacted by AUD: 

  • Drinking from a young age
  • Underlying mental health disorders
  • Background of trauma 
  • Insufficient coping mechanisms
  • Genetics
  • Family history of alcohol addiction 
Countless individuals begin misusing alcohol in response to stressful events. With a lack of constructive coping skills, it’s simple to combat the uneasy feelings that emerge from mental illness and trauma with the brain-altering effects of alcohol. Whenever those unwanted feelings resurface, you rely on alcohol to block them again. You feel temporarily better when using alcohol. 
Unfortunately, alcohol is never the solution. When you use it regularly, you can become reliant on those chemicals to live your daily life. When you don’t have them, you feel more uncomfortable than you did before and want to drink even more. Over time, drinking consumes your life and adversely impacts your health, relationships, finances, career and hobbies. Once you’re caught in this endless spiral, you aren’t able to stop drinking without specialized guidance. 

What Are Some Alcohol Addiction Symptoms?

Frequent drinking doesn’t definitively signify a disorder. Alcohol consumption becomes a disorder when it starts to interfere with your life. Various behaviors associated with drinking can signify an alcohol use disorder. 
You might have AUD if you: 

  • Often drink longer or more than you had intended
  • Can’t quit drinking even when wanting to
  • Spend much time obtaining and using alcohol, despite the fact it makes you sick or disrupts other aspects of life
  • You’re compelled to drink so much you are unable to focus on other things
  • Have taken part in dangerous behaviors while drinking alcohol 
  • Have to drink more than you did previously in order to attain the desired result 
  • Have given up enjoyable activities so you can drink 
  • Continual drinking despite its influence on loved ones
  • Have withdrawal symptoms when you stop drinking 
The intensity of your AUD typically correlates to the number of symptoms you have. But any person who’s showing indicators of alcohol addiction symptoms near Freehold has a right to specialized therapy and guidance. You don’t need to face alcohol use disorder on your own. 

What You Need To Know About Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms

If you are addicted to alcohol, your system requires it to perform. If you stop drinking, your body gets sick. This is known as withdrawal. 
Alcohol withdrawal symptoms are different for each individual and depend on your level of alcohol use. If you go into withdrawal, you may experience any mix of these symptoms: 
  • Insomnia
  • Shaky hands
  • Headache 
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Sweating 
  • Anxiety
  • Hallucinations 
  • Seizures 
  • Delirium tremens 
  • Delusions 
  • Confusion
  • Racing heart
  • Fever
  • Increased blood pressure 
Alcohol withdrawal symptoms are a sure-fire indicator that you or a person you care about has AUD and should get help. Withdrawal is often agonizing and, in extreme cases, even fatal if not addressed by medical specialists. If a person you know| wishes to stop using alcohol but experiences withdrawal if they attempt to, reach out to a Freehold substance use treatment facility for support. 

Can You “Cure” Alcohol Addiction?

Alcohol use disorder and addiction are known as chronic conditions. Technically speaking, there isn’t a cure. Even so, there is hope for lasting recovery. With the right combination of medical and mental health support, you can discover how to manage the impulse to drink and reach your goal of a sober lifestyle. It’s a challenging process, but many individuals recover from alcohol use disorder in Freehold  and regain control of their lives. 

Starting Alcohol Use Disorder Treatment In Freehold

No one can accomplish sobriety by themselves–and there’s no reason to do so! Seeking alcohol use disorder treatment near Freehold can be unnerving, but you are entitled to professional care to help get your life back together. 
Alcohol use recovery can feel more feasible when you perceive it as a series of steps steps. There is no single journey to a sober life. Countless individuals endure relapses and repeat parts of the process more than once. But rest assured, you can get support from family and trained professionals during your journey. 
Alcohol detox: The preliminary step is to detox from alcohol. While your body removes those chemicals, you require medical supervision that keeps you safe and comfortable. If you’re set to stop your alcohol use, request admittance to a residential detox center near Freehold. You’ll benefit from 24-hour support for one or two weeks as you undergo withdrawal. 
Alcohol rehab: Following detox, your body and mind will still crave alcohol. You need to move forward to residential alcohol rehab where medical providers can assist you in handling post-acute withdrawal symptoms. Alcohol rehab focuses on repairing your brain from the impact of alcohol use. You’ll participate in several hours of therapy every day to look at the mental facets of AUD. You’ll stay in rehab for whatever length of time is right for you. 
Outpatient addiction support: Rehab will get you balanced enough to go back home, but you’ll still require ongoing support to stay sober. Don’t exit rehab without entering an outpatient addiction program that provides therapy and medical-assisted treatment. You may stay at home or at a sober living residence, but you still must see psychotherapists and a doctor during the week. 
Sober living: Eventually, your need for therapy will taper off. Even so, recovery is a long-term undertaking. Tap into the network of addiction professionals, family members, and new mentors you have built to continue living a healthy life. Avoid people or activities that trigger you to use. Find help if you ever need it. Enduring recovery can be achieved!  

Get Help Now For Alcohol Use Disorder Near Freehold

You don’t have to fight alcohol addiction by yourself. Call The Counseling Center At Freehold to find compassionate, specialized alcohol use disorder treatment near Freehold. You may reach us at 732-515-4187 or by completing the following form. One of our representatives will respond promptly, regardless of the time or day. All calls are free and private. We’ll get you the treatment you require today.