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Admissions counselor going over the levels of care for addiction in Freehold

What Are The Different Levels Of Addiction Care In Freehold?

May 20, 2024

Substance use disorders are typically as unique as the people afflicted by them. As a result, the degree of your addiction and the symptoms you experience will be different from others. But to assist you in understanding the sorts of treatment you can find, the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) has defined five levels of addiction care in Freehold and beyond. Learn what they are and why a continuum of care for alcohol or drug use recovery is important.

Levels Of Addiction Treatment

You will find five levels of addiction treatment. However, a couple levels are classified further into subsets, as detailed on this page. We’ll examine these levels from the most intensive| kind of care to the least.

Level 4: Medically-managed Intensive Inpatient

This level is for people with intense substance use disorders requiring immediate medical assistance. For many, recovery begins here with a medically directed detox. Patients stay at the facility for 24-7 treatment for withdrawal symptoms and to promote their mental and physical stability. Keeping you safe is the top concern. Medicine is administered to control symptoms, and therapy often starts at this time to look into the psychological aspects of addiction.

Level 3: Inpatient / Residential Services

Inpatient rehab, often referenced as residential treatment, is what you will find at Level 3. Many individuals will start these programs once they’ve been through detox. People live on the premises and enjoy access to the following:

  • 24-hour supervision
  • Individual therapy, group therapy, and peer support to develop beneficial coping devices and examine the origins of addiction
  • Support for co-occurring disorders
  • Medication management to control withdrawal
  • A structured environment free of triggers of drug or alcohol use
  • Planning for aftercare

Level 3 programs may be categorized further into these four types:

  • 3.1 Clinically Managed Low-Intensity Residential Services: Includes at least five hours of clinical care every week. Relapse circumvention, recovery skills, and emotion management are focused on.
  • 3.3 Clinically Managed Population-Specific High-Intensity Residential Services: This level of care accommodates patients who may have mental or other ailments typically occurring with drug or alcohol use disorders. Services may proceed at a more deliberate pace with added reinforcement. Providers have to be able to determine when a patient is at risk due to symptoms of withdrawal, co-occurring disorders, or additional factors.
  • 3.5 Clinically Managed High-Intensity Residential Services: Treatment advances at a regular pace but is designed to benefit those with two or more active concerns. Patients might have needs including a co-occurring disorder, problems adapting to more acceptable behaviors, or a functional impairment.
  • 3.7 Medically Monitored High-Intensity Inpatient Services: Patients at this highest level 3 tier need constant medical or psychological monitoring in a 24-7 environment but not interactions with a physician daily.

Level 2: Partial Hospitalization / Intensive Outpatient

At this stage, individuals are stable and clear to reside at home while receiving frequent therapy at an authorized facility. Patients require a rigorous regimen of treatment 3-5 days a week, but Level 2 is a notch down from residential rehab and may be broken down into the following:

  • Level 2.1, Intensive Outpatient: Patients in intensive outpatient programs (IOPs) receive between 9 to 19 hours of substance use therapy each week. You will find different sorts of support with a focus on recognizing the triggers and origins of addiction.
  • Level 2.5, Partial Hospitalization: With a similar purpose as IOP, partial hospitalization is more involved, with at least 20 hours of substance use treatment per week.

Level 1: Outpatient Services

This level of addiction care in Freehold consists of outpatient treatment of fewer than nine hours each week and could be suitable for those who have completed inpatient rehab. While residing at home, people receive addiction and mental health support to keep on a path of recovery.

Level 0.5: Early Intervention

Before a substance use disorder is diagnosed, at-risk people might gain from this first level of addiction treatment. The goal of this stage is to evaluate individuals and provide educational support to keep an addiction from forming. To illustrate, classes for a person arrested for drunk driving may help circumvent an alcohol use disorder. Programs like DARE, which educate at-risk children, are also included in this level of care.

Praesum Healthcare Offers A Continuum Of Care

Praesum Healthcare is a leader in substance use treatment and offers a full continuum of care to assist you wherever you are on your recovery path. We can lead you through each level of care, from detoxification to outpatient counseling. Call 732-515-4187 today and make the first move toward a successful recovery.